Mike and his crew have been maintaining our extensive gardens and lawns for a few years now and we have always been pleased with the results. As well as performing all aspects of the job to perfection and in a timely manner, his knowledge and suggestions for changes and additional projects is much appreciated. It is such a pleasure to enjoy our yard rather than spend all day working in it.
Thank you,
Mike and Amanda

From small city lots to stratas and acreages, every garden needs a little maintenance.

We preferentially practice a more skilful, less power-tool approach to plant care. This allows us to achieve a better and safer quality of maintenance while producing less noise and bustle for our clients.

With ongoing maintenance of large gardens involving over an acre of manicured space, you're going to want to refresh the soils every once in a while and consistently remove tonnes of waste. We offer super-discrete small-scale methods to subtly take care of your big-scale needs.

Please also take a look at our landscaping page, or better yet, give us a call (see our contact details).

There is a world of maintenance-related tasks. If we haven't done it, then research and consultation will put expert techniques in our hands as quickly as you need it done.

A partial list of the maintenance tasks that we handle:

  • Pruning
  • Trimming
  • Garden installations
  • Garden landscape maintenance
  • Lawn installation
  • Lawn cutting
  • Lawn fertilizing
  • Lawn aeration, thatching, repairing)
  • Leaf removal (raked and power-blown)
  • Debris removal
  • Patio installations
  • Carpentry

Plants prospering with flowers. Signs of infection hiding on the underside of a leaf. A trained eye is indispensable in the gardens. Stump removal. Revitalized garden. Working in fresh soil. Some bedding plants in a creative arrangement. Semi-loose style of prune as per this client's tastes. Cleaning a stand of trees from widow makers and other dangers. A showy arrangement. Garden bed cleaning. Stump removal.